Buns of Anarchy
Category: London, life in pixlars

WEAREBUNSOFANARCHY had a charity event together with DARK ARTS COFFEE with lovely Vegan goods, crafted beer and homemade lemonade.
Oliviers tattoo artist posted the event on his IG and it was a lovely day so Olivier, Ebba, Anna, Saga and I decided to check it out.

The dogs had quite a attitude.

It was quite unusual to hang out with hardcore bikers who were completely vegan.

If you can have a fox or chinchilla around your neck why not have a dog?


The same weekend me Ebba, Anna and Denise took a walk around Shoreditch.

We ended up having pizza and drinks at The Cornershop, talking about how it's gonna be when Ebba's moving back to Sweden just days from this.

Ludo also had a BBQ-party without the BBQ, with new and old faces, mostly from Urban Outfitters.