Another Weekend in East London
Category: London, Rebecka, life in pixlars

Met up with two of my former Urban colleagues in Shoreditch after having a coffee at one of Shoreditchs gems, Barber & Parlour.

Spent Saturday in London Fields with Victoria. Ebba and Anna joined for a while also.
I went home early so I could be energized sunday morning and enjoy some markets in the sunny weather.

So Sunday I ended up in Hackney with these Swedish ladies

I was too excited by all the fabulous garments at the Vintage Fair so I didn't really manage to take any non blurry over-exposed pictures except for this one ha-ha.

And this lady sitting just outside of the Chapels.

Me & Ebba
I've never been to Clapton before and I now understand why so many fall in love with it, it's like Londons very own New Orleans... and it might just have been due to the monthy East London Vintage Fair accuring in the Chapels, but the whole area had a retro, magical vibe to it.